Parent Communication

The Parent-Teacher Handbook is distributed to parents before the start of every academic year. This is the basic information about how the school works on a day-to-day basis, and our most important policies as they pertain to the students’ life at school. We kindly ask all parents to be very familiar with the Parent-Teacher Handbook, as it makes life a lot easier to know how the school works. The manual also includes expectations that the school has to its parents. Creating a great school experience for the children is always teamwork involving both school and parents.

Our Social Media pages contains material about the school and Montessori in general. We have strict guidelines for what information is posted online and on social media in order to protect the privacy and safety of our students. Like our Facebook and Instagram pages in order to get interesting updates about child development, educational science, and the world of Montessori. Elsewhere on our home website, you will find links to other Montessori-related websites.

SMS Text Messaging is used for urgent notifications about school closings, weather-related events, and other emergencies. All parents are required to sign up for our SMS Text Messaging service in the interest of the safety of their children.

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