Parent Hub

At CMS, we believe that parent involvement is key to both the success of the children and that of the school. Our parents are an integral part of the school community, through volunteering, participating in events, taking an interest in the academics and activities at the school, and, most importantly, by supporting their own children as they grow and develop.

Staying Informed

Parent Education events provide parents with an understanding of their children’s work at school. We do not give homework. Children need ample time for play and relaxation, and many children are busy after school with valuable activities, such as music, art, sports, and other skill building. However, the lack of homework means we need other means for parents to follow their children’s progress. Parent education events are one such tool that allow the parents to see what their children’s progress.

Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled once each semester for the parents to learn about their child’s progress at school. In addition to the regularly scheduled meetings, parents can always ask for a meeting with their child’s teacher.

The Community Handbook is distributed to parents before the start of every academic year. This is the basic information about how the school works on a day-to-day basis, and our most important policies as they pertain to the students’ life at school. We kindly ask all parents to be very familiar with the Handbook. Creating a great school experience for the children is always teamwork involving both school and parents.

School Calendar

Staying Connected

All enrolled families are given access to our Transparent Classroom system. This system is used for: classroom and school announcements, attendance, sending quick notes to parents, viewing pictures from the classroom, connecting with other parents via the directory, filling out school forms, and most importantly viewing your students progress and work.

Home Page
Connecting to the Classroom
About Lessons
School Directory

The Parent Teacher Organization is a central part of parental involvement at CMS, and a fully integral part of our community. The PTO organizes events for children and grown-ups throughout the year, helps develop our grounds and classrooms, raises funds to benefit the children’s learning environment. We strongly encourage our parents to become active members of the PTO.

The Canopy is our newsletter. It contains information about upcoming events, dates of importance, what the children are learning, and events and happenings in the classroom – and any other information from the teachers, administration, or PTO. If you are a patron of CMS, please read The Canopy – it’s your principal source of information about what is going on!

Our Social Media pages contains material about the school and Montessori in general. We have strict guidelines for what information is posted online and on social media in order to protect the privacy and safety of our students. Like our Facebook and Instagram pages in order to get interesting updates about child development, educational science, and the world of Montessori.

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