A Typical Day in Lower El

Arrival and Work Cycle

In keeping with the Montessori approach, we strive to facilitate a three hour uninterrupted morning work time in a mixed age environment. A typical day in our classroom will begin with students arriving and taking care of their needs (coats, shoes, lunches, greeting teachers and friends). Daily work and smaller size lessons usually follow.

Group and Council

When the morning work period is complete, students join council. This is a time when the classroom comes together to work on problem solving classroom issues as a group. In council they learn to advocate for themselves and others, solve problems, practice perspective taking and empathy, and work together as a community. Students bring up issues that are important to them like the tidiness of the classroom, how to share playground equipment at recess, and other social disagreements.


Students have lunch as a group. During lunch they work on practical life skills like heating their lunch with the microwave and cleaning their plates and utensils and wiping up crumbs from the tables and floors when they are finished. They also get the chance to work on grace and curiosity skills like using utensils appropriately, chewing with their mouths closes, and waiting to talk until they are finished chewing.


After lunch, students get a 30-40 minute recess. Getting time to socialize, exercise, and be in the outdoor environment is important to the students ability to work and concentrate in the classroom. This outdoor time is a priority for our students so we work to make it available to them throughout the school year and the variety of weather Oklahoma brings. We encourage families to make sure students have appropriate clothes for cold weather, high winds, light rain and appropriate items for heat such as hats, sunscreen, and water bottles. Students will be given indoor recess if the temperature is below freezing or if there is heavy rain or rain with lightening.

Reading Time and Specials

The afternoon begins with a quiet reading time where students get a dedicated time to just read for pleasure. The rest of their afternoon pursuits before dismissal could include Writing, Music, Art, Science Exploration or even another opportunity to work with the lesson materials. Children in elementary can end their day at 3:30pm or can stay in our after school Program. In each part of the day, students are responsible for the care of themselves and the classroom. They plan when to eat a snack in the morning, take care of personal needs, and share responsibilities for equipment, work materials, and the overall organization of the classroom.

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